Vertical Timeline Layout: Side by Side | Two Cards | One Sided (Left, Right)
Read about all possible related topics
Analyze all the research in past two weeks and plan the initial prototype
Build a quick and dirty prototype
Test the prototype for any errors
Make adjustments to prototype and prepare for beta test
Review the beta test result and build the final prototype
Make final adjustments and release the prototype for expert analysis
8 am
Get Ready
Get Hair and Makeup done
Prepare Dress & Suit
Pack Wedding Emergency Kit
9 am
Group photos with the bride and groom
12 pm
Limo to Venue
Our rides will make our way to the chapel 12pm sharp!
1 pm
Service will be around an hour long
2 pm
Another round of photos with guest & family members
4 pm
Dinner will be served
6 pm
Party the nigh away
11 pm
Good Night
Let's Cherish the Memories
2002 - LinkedIn
A business and employment oriented social networking service that operates via website and mobile apps
2004 - Facebook
An online social media and social networking service based in California
2005 - YouTube
First large scale video sharing website that makes it easy to watch videos online
2006 - Twitter
A service for friends, family and co-workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages
2007 - Tumblr
Lets you effortlessly share anything post text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos from your browser, phone, desktop, email
2010 - Instagram
The home for visual storytelling for everyone from celebrities, news rooms and brands, to teens, musicians and everyone with a creative passion
2010 - Pinterest
A visual book marking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas
2002 - LinkedIn
A business and employment oriented social networking service that operates via website and mobile apps
2004 - Facebook
An online social media and social networking service based in California
2005 - YouTube
First large scale video sharing website that makes it easy to watch videos online
2006 - Twitter
A service for friends, family and co-workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages
2007 - Tumblr
Lets you effortlessly share anything post text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos from your browser, phone, desktop, email
2010 - Instagram
The home for visual storytelling for everyone from celebrities, news rooms and brands, to teens, musicians and everyone with a creative passion
2010 - Pinterest
A visual book marking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas
Horizontal Timeline and Info List Layouts: Top | Bottom | Side by Side
Gather existing knowledge about the subject
Read about all possible related topics
Analyze all the research in past two weeks and plan the initial prototype
Build a quick and dirty prototype
Test the prototype for any errors
Gather existing knowledge about the subject
Read about all possible related topics
Analyze all the research in past two weeks and plan the initial prototype
Build a quick and dirty prototype
Test the prototype for any errors